If your business is in multiple jurisdictions, based on acquisitions or expansion of subsidiaries, then Annual Financial Reporting will necessitate the use of independent valuation reports. This is not only for compliance with financial reports audit requirements but also for transparency and disclosure.

This is a specialised field of expertise which require team of professionals with adequate experience and knowledge in taxation laws and financial reporting. Our team of associates and networks can assist both domestic and international entities for advisories on:
- Purchase Price Allocation
- Business Combinations
- Impairment Testing
- Tax Reliefs and Grants
- Addition of acquired assets.
- Valuation for assessment of Capital Gains Tax
Our clients are from diverse range of industrial segments including:
- Construction Industry (including Ports, Terminals, Docks and Harbours)
- Oil & Gas Pipeline Projects
- Offshore Exploration & Production Projects and PSA’s
- Power Plants and Energy Sector
- Petrochemical Plants, EPCIC Projects and Structural Fabrications
- International Sales and Purchase of Goods and Services
The need for reliable and credible Expert Witnesses cannot be underestimated. The experienced litigation professionals will appreciate that the facts of the case, however strong they may be, may not guarantee a desired outcome in the court verdict or arbitral award.
The expertise available within Tiberias MC can be of help to you in:
- Litigation/Arbitration Support Services pertaining to disputed contracts for ship construction, conversion and repair.
- Forensic Analysis, Investigation & Evaluation of projects involving delay, schedule analysis, cost overruns, labor inefficiencies, design and construction discrepancies and workmanship.
- Impact of Management Policies and or technical issues
- Independent and Impartial findings by the professionals with hands-on experience in similar situations
- Conduct cause-and-effect analysis!