Tiberias MC Consultants have assisted some large corporations in the businesses of managing and operating “Heavy Engineering, Procurements and Construction Yards”; and engaged in the Global Energy Sector through EPCIC projects related to:
- Mobile Offshore Drilling Units e.g. Jack up Drilling Rigs, Mobile Drilling Rigs, Drill Ships etc.
- Semi submersibles
- Offshore Structures like Production Platforms, Living Quarters and Storage Terminals
- Conversion and Upgrading Projects for Ships to FPS
- Downstream Pipeline Projects for Oil and Gas
- LNG Receiving and Loading Terminals
- Gas Distribution Pipeline Networks and Metering Stations

Consultancy services provided by TiberiasMC related to the above industries come in specific core vortices like: –
- Project Management
- Supply Chain Enhancement
- Business Process Management
- Performance Management
- Job Design/ Job Descriptions
- Reward System
Contact Tiberias MC to assist you in analytical review and design of
- Improved Business Process Management
- Optimal Management Structures for re-engineered processes
- Revised marketing strategies
- Revised Structures with Performance Linked Indicators
- Strategic Business Portfolio, Customers and Markets
- Competency linked Management & Human Resource

If you are planning to diversify into overseas locations, Tiberias MC can assist you in
- Organizational Design (Org. Charts etc.)
- Detailed Process Flow Charts (Activity flow and task dependencies)
- Performance Measures, Goals and Responsibilities
- Manpower skills requirements & training needs (Staffing Levels)