
April 2023

Breaking News for Maritime Professionals of Hong Kong!

April 11th, 2023|Latest News, Marine & Offshore|

There is no proper time period or season for enhancing skills and career development other than, on-the-job learning and Continuous Competency Development (“CCD"). This is one of the essential ingredients for professionals from [...]

January 2023

Five Facts Seven Attractions for Financing Intellectual Property Assets!

January 3rd, 2023|Business Valuations, Intellectual Property Rights, IP Valuation, Latest News|

Banks and Financial Institutions have long ago established processes and protocols for financing tangible assets, which can be held as collateral, like land, buildings, commercial properties, plant, and machinery etcetera. Intangible Assets (“IA”) and Intellectual [...]

Enhancing Business Valuation – through Disclosure of Intellectual Property Assets and Intellectual Property Rights

January 3rd, 2023|Business Valuations, Intellectual Property Rights, IP Valuation, Latest News|

Business Valuation Reports based on historical Financial Reports and Projects for the future, supported by marketing strategies and economic data alone, often does not give confidence in the Value of an entity. One of the [...]

November 2022

Reliable Valuation is the Key to IP Financing

November 25th, 2022|Business Valuations, Intellectual Property Rights, IP Valuation, Latest News|

Attracting investors and financiers is relatively easier for ventures with tangible assets like plant, machinery, equipment, and land. The tangible assets can be valued at market rates and are capable of being traded in the [...]

LNG or Crude Oil is Cheaper for Power Plants?

November 23rd, 2022|FPS Conversion and Rig Building Projects, Latest News, Marine & Offshore, Ship Owners and Operators, Shipyard Management, Shipyards and Rig Builders|

Is the Gap Closing between the Value of an LNG Cargo and an Equivalent Volume of Crude Oil? Energy is an essential part of human life, irrespective of the source, whether Solar, Wind, Waves, Water [...]

Exporting with Embedded Intellectual Property

November 23rd, 2022|Business Valuations, Intellectual Property Rights, IP Valuation, Latest News|

Export Goods and Services after Protection of IP Rights In the modern interconnected world, it is a fact beyond shadow of any doubt that, Goods and Services, collectively referred to as “Products,” are being produced [...]